Welcome to scaraplate’s documentation!

Source Code:https://github.com/rambler-digital-solutions/scaraplate
Issue Tracker:https://github.com/rambler-digital-solutions/scaraplate/issues


Scaraplate is a wrapper around cookiecutter which allows to repeatedly rollup project templates onto concrete projects.

Cookiecutter is a great tool which allows to create projects from templates. However, it lacks ability to update the already created projects from updated templates. Scaraplate provides a solution to this problem.

To use scaraplate, you would have to add a scaraplate.yaml file near the cookiecutter.json of your cookiecutter template. Then, to rollup the changes from the updated template, you will need to simply call this command (which can even be automated!):

scaraplate rollup ./path/to/template ./path/to/project --no-input

This allows to easily (and automatically) sync the projects from the template, greatly simplifying the unification of the projects’ structure.

CI pipelines, code linting settings, test runners, directory structures, artifacts building tend to greatly vary between the projects. Once described in the template which is easy to rollup onto the specific projects, projects unification becomes a trivial task. Everything can be defined in the template just once and then regularly be synced onto your projects, see Rollup Automation.

How it works

The scaraplate rollup command does the following:

  1. Retrieve cookiecutter template variables from the previous rollup (see Scaraplate Template).
  2. Create a temporary dir, apply cookiecutter command with the retrieved variables to create a new temporary project.
  3. For each file in the temporary project, apply a strategy (see Strategies) which merges the file from the temporary project with the corresponding file in the target project.

Only the files which exist in the temporary project are touched by scaraplate in the target project.

The key component of scaraplate are the strategies.

Note that none of the strategies use git history or any git-like merging. In fact, scaraplate strategies make no assumptions about the code versioning system used by the target project. Instead, the merging between the files is defined solely by strategies which generate the output based on the two files and the settings in the scaraplate.yaml.

Scaraplate is quite extensible. Many parts are replaceable with custom implementations in Python.


scaraplate requires Python 3.7 or newer.


pip install scaraplate

Scaraplate also requires git to be installed in the system (see Scaraplate Template).

To get started with scaraplate, you need to:

  1. Prepare a template (see Scaraplate Template and specifically Scaraplate Example Template).
  2. Roll it up on your projects.

Project Name

Scarab bug

The project name is inspired by a bug which rolls up the brown balls of … well, stuff, (the template) everywhere (the projects).

scarab + template = scaraplate

Indices and tables